Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hugs Generating Desire

Hugs Generating Desire

Hugging is one of the key in expressing compassion. Naturally, if every woman happy to be embraced by their partners. Want to create a special hug for a partner?

You can pack a variety of warm embrace burning desire. More and more skin friction, the better the results are created.

Knowing the classification of hugs, Ki Guno Asmoro and his book 'Kamasutra & Kecerdasan Seks Modern', dividing the arms into several parts, among which are:

Stroking Hugs, ie hugs from each one with their partner's body as she stroked walking slowly.

Touching Hugs, hugging his partner's body pressed against the wall or a pole with a strong.

Hold hug, ie the man on her partner's arms leaning on a wall or pole with great force.

Stimulate Hugs, ie the man on her partner's arms are bent until the man grabbed breasts to her partner. Time to create a special hug to your spouse tonight. (Nov)

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