There are some things a woman can think about to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. The first is that while weight gain is normal and important during pregnancy, this doesn't mean that the condition should be an excuse to eat anything and everything in sight. Gaining too much weight too quickly is thought to be a common cause of stretch marks, but eating healthy and continuing to exercise as long as safely possible can help to avoid stretch marks during this time. You’ll know too that your weight gain is healthy and normal and will be more able to lose the weight after pregnancy as well.
Drinking plenty of water is also important to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. Some women hate to do this since they often already feel pressure on their bladder during pregnancy and so they may start to think that they’re living in the bathroom! But drinking water will not only help to avoid stretch marks but can also help with morning sickness as water assists in the digestive process. This can cut down on cases of nausea. Water actually also helps to avoid fluid retention. How so? The body tends to hold onto water when it doesn’t get enough, so drinking water can help to flush fluids out of the body. So while it may be inconvenient to make those constant trips to the restroom, remember that water will not only help to avoid stretch marks but can make pregnancy easy in many other ways as well.
Adding a moisturizer or lotion on the belly and backside and also help to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. When the skin is adequately hydrated it is better able to heal itself and won’t suffer as much damage from being pulled and stretched. While many people recommend cocoa butter, you can actually use a variety of products include baby oil and vitamin E oil as well. The lotion should be thick enough that it won’t rub off or evaporate right away and should penetrate the skin’s surface as well. Only when you use a lotion that’s thick enough for the skin on the body will you be able to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. You can also do some gentle stretching exercises while pregnant; this will help the skin to stretch gently without suffering damage.
The Best Way to Prevent Stretch Marks
Any woman that’s planning on becoming pregnant or that is already pregnant may wonder how she can prevent stretch marks. It’s interesting that some women get them severely while other women seem to not have any problems in this regard. Are these women who do prevent stretch marks just blessed with beautiful skin or is there something that they’re doing that you may want to try? While there may be something in their genetic makeup that makes one woman less prone to stretch marks while another woman may just have problem skin overall, there is one good thing to remember when pregnant that may help to prevent stretch marks.
Stretch marks happen when the elastin in the skin gets damaged beyond repair. Elastin is a substance that provides skin’s elastic quality; like a rubber band, the skin is supposed to retain its original shape after being stretched out. Every movement we make involves stretching the skin, from small facial gestures to deep knee bends and other exercise. As long as this elastin is healthy and working you should be able to prevent stretch marks. What seems to cause this elastin to break down is the skin being stretched out and held there for too long of a time, and dryness of the skin so that the elastin becomes tough and brittle and is more likely to be injured. So the best way to prevent stretch marks is to avoid becoming overweight and keeping that weight on for too long. Since this just isn’t possible with pregnancy – after all, gaining weight is a sign of a healthy pregnancy – you need to concentrate on keeping the skin moisturized and hydrated.
Many women add topical solutions such as cocoa butter and other lotions to help prevent stretch marks. While topical solutions are helpful, the skin gets most of its moisture from the inside out, meaning what you take into your body and not what you put on top of it. Keeping yourself adequately hydrated means drinking plenty of fluids and eating foods that are high in water content such as fruits and vegetables. Adequate hydration is the best way to prevent stretch marks so that the elastin in the body can remain moist and flexible and will be less prone to damage.
Taking care of yourself by what you eat and drink will not only help to prevent stretch marks but it will also help to keep you healthy during your pregnancy. Most doctors agree that a healthy diet will contribute greatly to a healthy pregnancy. Drinking water will not only help to prevent stretch marks but can also help with cases of morning sickness as the stomach will be better able to digest properly and you’ll have less nausea.
So keep this in mind when you’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant. You might not be able to prevent stretch marks completely but you can reduce their occurrence and appearance by eating right and drinking plenty of water.
Try these tips to see if you don’t avoid stretch marks during pregnancy.
Some Quick Tips on Avoiding Stretch Marks
Many women who are pregnant or who are planning on becoming pregnant are very concerned about avoiding stretch marks. They may know someone that’s already had children and may be cursed with these unsightly scars. While of course it might not be at the top of anyone’s list when thinking of pregnancy concerns, there is nothing wrong with wondering what to do when it comes to avoiding stretch marks. With a little bit of thought and planning it may be possible to reduce the number you have and the severity of any that you do.
The first step when avoiding stretch marks is to keep yourself hydrated. Skin that is dry is more prone to all sorts of problems including rashes and irritation. It also tends to wrinkle more easily and show tiny lines. When skin is moist and hydrated it will bounce back to its original shape and condition easier as well. Keeping the skin’s elastin healthy is part of avoiding stretch marks and adequate hydration will do just that. Dry skin is unhealthy skin and this is also very rough on the elastin in the skin. Remember that adequate moisture and hydration is not just from what you put on the surface but from what you eat and drink as well. Some believe that avoiding stretch marks with adequate hydration means just using creams and lotions but eating fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water will go a long way toward keeping you adequately hydrated.
The rate at which you put on weight may also contribute to avoiding stretch marks or getting more of them. Typically when skin is stretched too far and too fast this breaks down that important elastin and wears it out. You obviously can’t completely control how much weight you gain when pregnant and you absolutely should put on weight to be healthy, but on the other hand you don’t want to use pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything and everything. Part of avoiding stretch marks is eating in a healthy way throughout your entire pregnancy. Yes, you’re eating for two but that other person is very, very tiny!
This isn’t to say that using lotions and creams is not part of avoiding stretch marks. Many can do a world of good when it comes to adding moisture to the skin and to protecting it from becoming overly dry. Some however just don’t penetrate the skin’s surface enough to make that much of a difference. The real key to success when it comes to avoiding stretch marks is to take care of yourself from the inside out. Eating right and getting enough water and liquids is very important for many reasons when you’re pregnant and stretch marks are just one of those reasons.
Most women find that avoiding stretch marks entirely isn’t quite possible but if they take care of themselves during pregnancy the scars aren’t as widespread or obvious as they thought they would be.
Tips for Preventing Stretch Marks
If you’re concerned about preventing stretch marks, you’re certainly not alone. Many women who are pregnant or planning on getting pregnant are concerned with how their body will change in many different ways, and of course others too may see stretch marks on others and wonder how they happened and what causes them. If you’re gaining weight (and who isn’t these days?) or are a professional bodybuilder, preventing stretch marks may be a concern for you. So what to do?
You may not be able to avoid stretch marks altogether if you’re pregnant or are gaining weight, there are some things that help with preventing stretch marks or at least with keeping them as insignificant as possible. Let’s take a look at what some of those things are so that you can consider them in your own case.
Drinking plenty of water is important when preventing stretch marks. While hydrated skin does not mean that you’ll never actually get stretch marks it can help with keeping the skin as healthy as possible. Stretch marks happen when there is damage to the elastin, the element that makes skin bounce back after being stretched. Skin that is moisturized and hydrated adequately will be better able to bounce back after being stretched. Imagine a sponge – when it’s dry it keeps whatever shape it’s in when squeezed. When it’s wet it bounces right back. Water in the system works at preventing stretch marks in the same way. It keeps the skin “springy.” Water also helps the skin in its own processes to repair and renew itself. The entire body has systems in place to heal itself but when you’re not adequately hydrated this process in the skin can be compromised. Drinking enough water is good at preventing stretch marks because it encourages the growth of new skin cells which then push up underneath the surface of the skin, washing away dead or damaged skin cells on the surface of the skin. This means that newer, healthier skin is revealed. This helps with preventing stretch marks because you are getting new skin cells on a regular basis, and water helps this process along.
Using an exfoliating agent on the body is also good for preventing stretch marks. A gentle exfoliating agent can remove dead skin cells on the surface of the skin to also reveal those healthier cells underneath. A common mistake that many people make is to use something too harsh or to use the exfoliating agent too often, but a gentle application once or twice per week while you’re in the shower should keep skin healthy and glowing. You don’t want to go overboard when preventing stretch marks and do more damage than good with your skin but if you’re gentle and regular with an exfoliating agent, this can help.
Talk to your doctor about preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. He or she may be able to give you more tips and pointers as well, and help you avoid these unsightly scars
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