Monday, May 23, 2011

Breastfeeding is key to bonding mother with baby's

Breastfeeding - Every mother would want to have a close and intimate relationship with her ​​baby. Strong bond between mother and son would later affect the child's confidence. Secret of the most effective bonding according to the experts is to breastfeed the baby.
Providing breast milk, in addition to providing the best nutrition for babies, also increase the bond between mother and child than formula-feeding mothers to their children. Research also shows that mothers who breast feed have the strongest brain response when hearing her baby cry.

This is evidenced by the research team held the Child Study Center, Yale University, USA. They divided the mothers into two groups. A total of 9 people breastfeed their babies, whereas 8 formula-feeding mothers. The mothers were then conducted an MRI test one month after the baby is born.

When the mothers are doing an MRI test, they played two baby crying sound recordings, namely their own baby crying and crying baby to others. The whole brain is more active when the mother heard the cries of their babies. However, the strongest brain response seen in mothers who breastfeed.

Pilyoung Kim, developmental psychologists from Yale University, explains, there are many factors that contribute to the high sensitivity of brain breast-feeding mothers.
"Not just because they give milk, but also because the levels of hormones and other personal experiences,"
he said.

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