Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chronic Disease, Be Main Killer

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes is a disease that became a major killer in the world today according to World Health Organization (WHO).

In the report The Global Status mentioned, non-communicable diseases caused 36 million deaths globally in 2008. About 80 percent of deaths occur in poor and developing countries.

The report also stated, non-communicable diseases is now a major health threat, defeating infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV.

"Not contagious diseases is now be the biggest challenge. For some countries is not excessive if this situation is a disaster for the health, social, and especially the country's economy,"
said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director.

He added that non-communicable diseases provides a very crushing blow on the development program. "It is spending billions of dollars of national income and create more and more people pushed into poverty," he said.

WHO also explains, in fact non-communicable diseases could be prevented if government officials want to implement policies for healthy eating campaign and tighten rules on tobacco marketing.

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