Thursday, October 28, 2010

4 phase of Sexual should be enjoyed together

Upon receiving adequate sexual stimulation, both men and women will experience a sexual reaction. The perfect sexual reaction should take place in four phases, called the sexual response cycle.

Four phases is : excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasm phase, resolution phase.
At each phase there is a change of a physical and psychic.

Physical changes can be felt, both on sex or on other body parts, not only by the individual but also her partner. Likewise, the changes which are psychological.

Changes that occur during the sexual response cycle can be a clue to the phase where the couple is located. Understanding this is very important for sexual relations can take place in harmony.

According to Prof. DR. dr Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, from the Center for the Study of Andrology and Seksologi Udayana University Medical Faculty, sexual response cycle of women and men are basically the same.

The cycle began with a sex drive that has increased because of the sexual stimulation from the outside. Then there was the sexual reaction with orgasm as the peak phase.

If in fact the husband-wife relationship does not last like that, according to Wimpie, could be a myth about sex and gender role differences are the cause.

It is said Wimpie, until now there are many people who think that sexual matters are matters for men. There are still many who think that women or wife is just a passive party, who receives it, in terms of sexual relations. In fact many men who regard and treat women merely as sex objects.

"The myth that negatively affect women's sexual function. Many women who become more closed in the face of sexual problems, "explained Prof. Wimpie.

Added Similarly, any interference in each phase of the sexual response cycle can cause sexual dysfunction.

From clinical experience in facing couples with sexual problems, Prof Wimpie view, not a few who later revealed the existence of sexual problems on the part of women, although the couple originally came because of sexual problems in the male.

More than that, it is not uncommon to know if his wife's new husband turns to experience sexual dysfunction because of misguided myth that he believes all this.

So, throw away that misguided myths. Enjoy all the phases in sexual intercourse. No need to be proud of if only to enjoy the satisfaction of his own. @ Ken.kompas

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